


prep. 往…的下端; 在…下方; 沿着; 贯穿

adv. 往下; (坐)下; 下跌; 从上至下; 向南方; 失去钱; 预付; 到某地

v. 咽下; 击倒

adj. 悲伤; 停机

n. 绒毛; 分段进攻



To go down something such as a slope or a pipe means to go towards the ground or to a lower level.

  • We're going down a mountain...


  • A man came down the stairs to meet them...



If you are a particular distance down something, you are that distance below the top or surface of it.

  • He managed to cling on to a ledge 40ft down the rock face...

    他设法紧紧地攀在了距岩壁顶端 40 英尺的岩礁上。

  • The union leader was last night staging a protest vigil 400 yards down a mineshaft.

    昨晚工会领袖在 400 码深的矿井下举行了彻夜的抗议活动。


You use down to say that you are looking or facing in a direction that is towards the ground or towards a lower level.

  • She was still looking down at her papers...


  • She put her head down, her hands over her face...



If you put something down, you put it onto a surface.

  • Danny put down his glass...


  • After two rings I put down the phone...



If you go or look down something such as a road or river, you go or look along it. If you are down a road or river, you are somewhere along it.

  • They set off at a jog up one street and down another...


  • Karl looked down the street...



If you are travelling to a particular place, you can say that you are going down to that place, especially if you are going towards the south or to a lower level of land.

  • I went down to L.A. all the way from Seattle...


  • I have seen him walking down to the shops a mile or so away...



If you are down a place, you are at that place. If you go down a place, you go to that place. Some people consider this to be non-standard.

  • People are down the pub, getting drunk...


  • We got in the car and went down the supermarket and started buying food.



If an amount of something goes down, it decreases. If an amount of something is down, it has decreased and is at a lower level than it was.

  • Interest rates came down today...


  • Inflation will be down to three percent...

    通货膨胀率将降到 3%。


If you say that there are a number of things down and a number to go, you are saying how many of the things have already been dealt with and how many remain to be dealt with.

  • Thirteen months down, twenty-four years to go.

    过去了 13 个月,还有 24 年。


Down to a particular detail means including everything, even that detail. Down to a particular person means including everyone, even that person.

  • I was a soldier down to my shoelaces.


  • ...from the chairman right down to the tea ladies.



If you are down to a certain amount of something, you have only that amount left.

  • The poor man's down to his last £3.

    那个可怜的人身上只剩 3 英镑了。


If a situation is down to a particular person or thing, it has been caused by that person or thing.

  • Any mistakes are entirely down to us...


  • That's down to pure hard work.



If someone or something is down for a particular thing, it has been arranged that they will do that thing, or that thing will happen.

  • Mark had told me that he was down for an interview.


  • ...derelict houses that were down for demolition.



If you are down with an illness, you have that illness.

  • One of the office girls was down with the flu.


  • ...a little girl down with that nasty bout of measles.



If you pay money down on something, you pay part of the money you owe for it.

  • He paid 20 percent down.

    他付了 20% 的钱款。


If people shout 'down with' something or someone, they are saying that they dislike them and want to get rid of them.

  • Demonstrators chanted 'down with the rebels'.




1. soft fine feathers

    2. (American football) a complete play to advance the football;

    • you have 4 downs to gain 10 yards

    3. (usually plural) a rolling treeless highland with little soil

      4. fine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs)


        1. drink down entirely;

        • He downed three martinis before dinner
        • She killed a bottle of brandy that night
        • They popped a few beer after work

        2. eat immoderately;

        • Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal

        3. bring down or defeat (an opponent)

          4. shoot at and force to come down;

          • the enemy landed several of our aircraft

          5. cause to come or go down;

          • The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect
          • The mugger knocked down the old lady after she refused to hand over her wallet

          6. improve or perfect by pruning or polishing;

          • refine one's style of writing


          1. being or moving lower in position or less in some value;

          • lay face down
          • the moon is down
          • our team is down by a run
          • down by a pawn
          • the stock market is down today

          2. becoming progressively lower;

          • the down trend in the real estate market

          3. understood perfectly;

          • had his algebra problems down

          4. extending or moving from a higher to a lower place;

          • the down staircase
          • the downward course of the stream

          5. out;

          • two down in the last of the ninth

          6. lower than previously;

          • the market is depressed
          • prices are down

          7. shut;

          • the shades were down

          8. cut down;

          • the tree is down

          9. not functioning (temporarily or permanently);

          • we can't work because the computer is down

          10. low in spirits;

          • lonely and blue in a strange city
          • depressed by the loss of his job
          • a dispirited and resigned expression on her face
          • downcast after his defeat
          • feeling discouraged and downhearted

          11. the fractional price paid in cash at time of purchase;

          • the down payment
          • a payment of $200 down


          1. spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position;

          • don't fall down
          • rode the lift up and skied down
          • prices plunged downward

          2. away from a more central or a more northerly place;

          • was sent down to work at the regional office
          • worked down on the farm
          • came down for the wedding
          • flew down to Florida

          3. paid in cash at time of purchase;

          • put ten dollars down on the necklace

          4. from an earlier time;

          • the story was passed down from father to son

          5. to a lower intensity;

          • he slowly phased down the light until the stage was completely black

          6. in an inactive or inoperative state;

          • the factory went down during the strike
          • the computer went down again


          1. be (或 have) a down on


          2. be down to



          3. down in the mouth


          4. down on one's luck


          5. down tools


          6. down town


          7. have (或 put) someone/thing down as


          8. down in the mouth 或 down at the mouth


          9. down on

            【非正式用语】 憎恶或敌对;不喜欢

          10. down on (one's) luck



          Lay the baby down gently.


          Hearing that there was an emergency case, the doctor put down his chopsticks and left at once.

          听说有急诊, 医生撂下筷子就走.

          I must ask you to tone down your remarks; they are giving offence to some of our visitors.

          我们必须要求你说话语气和缓一些, 因为你的话得罪了一些客人.

          Has that noisy class settled down yet?

          那个吵闹的班安静下来了 吗 ?

          I like the way that her hair hangs down.





