


adj. 容易的; 不拘束的; 舒适的; 悦耳的,好看的; 易受攻击的

adv. 小心; 轻点



If a job or action is easy, you can do it without difficulty or effort, because it is not complicated and causes no problems.

  • The shower is easy to install...


  • It's easy to get a seat at the best shows in town...



If you describe an action or activity as easy, you mean that it is done in a confident, relaxed way. If someone is easy about something, they feel relaxed and confident about it.

  • She is laughing and joking and making easy conversation with people she has never met before...


  • He was an easy person to talk to.



If you say that someone has an easy life, you mean that they live comfortably without any problems or worries.

  • She has not had an easy life.



If you say that something is easy or too easy, you are criticizing someone because they have done the most obvious or least difficult thing, and have not considered the situation carefully enough.

  • That's easy for you to say...


  • It was all too easy to believe it.



You use easy in expressions such as easy on the ear or easy on the eye when you are describing things that are pleasant and that do not need much effort to be enjoyed or done.

  • The music sounds like an advert—easy on the ear but bland and forgettable...


  • The layout should be clear and easy on the eye.



If you describe someone or something as easy prey or as an easy target, you mean that they can easily be attacked or criticized.

  • Tourists have become easy prey...


  • The World Bank, with its poor environmental record, is an easy target for blame.



You use easy come, easy go to indicate that the person you are talking about does not care much about money and possessions.

  • My attitude to money is slightly easy come, easy go.



If you say 'Easy does it', you are telling someone to be careful and not to use too much effort, especially when they are moving something large and awkward.


    If you tell someone to go easy on something, you are telling them to use only a small amount of it.

    • Go easy on the alcohol.



    If you tell someone to go easy on, or be easy on, a particular person, you are telling them not to punish or treat that person very severely.

    • 'Go easy on him,' Sam repeated, opening the door...


    • Be a little easier on yourself and enjoy yourself more...



    If you say that something is easier said than done, you are emphasizing that although it sounds like a good idea in theory, you think it would be difficult to actually do it.

    • Avoiding mosquito bites is easier said than done.



    If someone tells you to take it easy or take things easy, they mean that you should relax and not do very much at all.

    • It is best to take things easy for a week or two.




    1. posing no difficulty; requiring little effort;

    • an easy job
    • an easy problem
    • an easy victory
    • the house is easy to heat
    • satisfied with easy answers
    • took the easy way out of his dilemma

    2. not hurried or forced;

    • an easy walk around the block
    • at a leisurely (or easygoing) pace

    3. free from worry or anxiety;

    • knowing that I had done my best, my mind was easy
    • an easy good-natured manner
    • by the time the child faced the actual problem of reading she was familiar and at ease with all the elements words

    4. affording pleasure;

    • easy good looks

    5. having little impact;

    • an easy pat on the shoulder
    • gentle rain
    • a gentle breeze
    • a soft (or light) tapping at the window

    6. in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich;

    • they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards
    • easy living
    • a prosperous family
    • his family is well-situated financially
    • well-to-do members of the community

    7. not harsh; causing little distress;

    • an easy penalty

    8. readily exploited or tricked;

    • an easy mark
    • an easy victim

    9. marked by moderate steepness;

    • an easy climb
    • a gentle slope

    10. performing adroitly and without effort;

    • her easy grace
    • a facile hand

    11. not strict;

    • an easy teacher
    • easy standards
    • lenient rules

    12. affording comfort;

    • soft light that was easy on the eyes

    13. casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior;

    • her easy virtue
    • he was told to avoid loose (or light) women
    • wanton behavior

    14. less in demand and therefore readily obtainable;

    • commodities are easy this quarter

    15. plentiful and therefore at low interest rates; easy to come by;

    • easy money


    1. with ease (`easy' is sometimes used informally for `easily');

    • she was easily excited
    • was easily confused
    • he won easily
    • this china breaks very easily
    • success came too easy

    2. without speed (`slow' is sometimes used informally for `slowly');

    • he spoke slowly
    • go easy here--the road is slippery
    • glaciers move tardily
    • please go slow so I can see the sights

    3. in a relaxed manner; or without hardship;

    • just wanted to take it easy" (`soft' is nonstandard)


    simple, easy


    • simple : 普通用词,指不复杂、不难懂,从而容易被理解的事物。
    • easy : 普通用词,指不需要花费太多精力的工作或事,在实际运用中常与simple换用。


    1. be easier said than done


    2. (as) easy as pie

    3. easy come, easy go


    4. easy does it


    5. easy on the eye (或 ear)


    6. go (或 be) easy on someone


    7. go easy on something


    8. have it easy


    9. I'm easy


    10. of easy virtue


    11. sleep (或 rest) easy


    12. stand easy!


    13. take the easy way out


    14. take it easy



    Nowadays it is very easy to earn a living.


    It's easy to borrow again if one returns the borrowed things in time.


    Good teamwork between the players is not easy to get.


    I felt fairly easy after taking the medicine.


    Once this difficulty is overcome, other problems will be easy to solve.

    攻下这一关, 其他问题就好办了.


