

US/kloʊz , kloʊs/
UK/kləʊz , kləʊs/

v. 关闭; 合上; 暂停营业; 倒闭,封闭; 结束; 收盘; 缩小,接近; 抓紧

n. 结束; 死胡同

adj. 接近的; 亲密的; 密切的; 严密的; 密集的; 不通风的; 小气的; 守口如瓶的

adv. 不远



When you close something such as a door or lid or when it closes, it moves so that a hole, gap, or opening is covered.

  • If you are cold, close the window...


  • Zacharias heard the door close...



When you close something such as an open book or umbrella, you move the different parts of it together.

  • Slowly he closed the book.



If you close something such as a computer file or window, you give the computer an instruction to remove it from the screen.

  • To close your document, press CTRL+W on your keyboard.



When you close your eyes or your eyes close, your eyelids move downwards, so that you can no longer see.

  • Bess closed her eyes and fell asleep...


  • When we sneeze, our eyes close.



When a place closes or is closed, work or activity stops there for a short period.

  • Shops close only on Christmas Day and New Year's Day...


  • It was Saturday; they could close the office early...



If a place such as a factory, shop, or school closes, or if it is closed, all work or activity stops there permanently.

  • Many enterprises will be forced to close...


  • If they do close the local college I'll have to go to Worcester.



To close a road or border means to block it in order to prevent people from using it.

  • They were cut off from the West in 1948 when their government closed that border crossing.



To close a conversation, event, or matter means to bring it to an end or to complete it.

  • Judge Isabel Oliva said last night: 'I have closed the case. There was no foul play.'...


  • He needs another $30,000 to close the deal...



If you close a bank account, you take all your money out of it and inform the bank that you will no longer be using the account.

  • He had closed his account with the bank five years earlier.



On the stock market or the currency markets, if a share price or a currency closes at a particular value, that is its value at the end of the day's business.

  • Dawson shares closed at 219p, up 5p...


  • The US dollar closed higher in Tokyo today.



The close of a period of time or an activity is the end of it. To bring or draw something to a close means to end it.

  • By the close of business last night, most of the big firms were hailing yesterday's actions as a success...


  • Brian's retirement brings to a close a glorious chapter in British football history...




1. the temporal end; the concluding time;

  • the stopping point of each round was signaled by a bell
  • the market was up at the finish
  • they were playing better at the close of the season

2. the last section of a communication;

  • in conclusion I want to say...

3. the concluding part of any performance


    1. cease to operate or cause to cease operating;

    • The owners decided to move and to close the factory
    • My business closes every night at 8 P.M.

    2. complete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement;

    • We closed on the house on Friday
    • They closed the deal on the building

    3. move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut;

    • Close the door
    • shut the window

    4. bar access to;

    • Due to the accident, the road had to be closed for several hours

    5. finish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.);

    • The meeting was closed with a charge by the chairman of the board

    6. draw near;

    • The probe closed with the space station

    7. come to a close;

    • The concert closed with a nocturne by Chopin

    8. become closed;

    • The windows closed with a loud bang

    9. come together, as if in an embrace;

    • Her arms closed around her long lost relative

    10. unite or bring into contact or bring together the edges of;

    • close the circuit
    • close a wound

    11. bring together all the elements or parts of;

    • Management closed ranks

    12. engage at close quarters;

    • close with the enemy

    13. be priced or listed when trading stops;

    • The stock market closed high this Friday
    • My new stocks closed at $59 last night

    14. cause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop

      15. change one's body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact

        16. fill or stop up;

        • Can you close the cracks with caulking?

        17. finish a game in baseball by protecting a lead;

        • The relief pitcher closed with two runs in the second inning


        1. at or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other;

        • close to noon
        • how close are we to town?
        • a close formation of ships

        2. close in relevance or relationship;

        • a close family
        • we are close sympathy with...
        • close kin
        • a close resemblance

        3. not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances;

        • near neighbors
        • in the near future
        • they are near equals
        • his nearest approach to success
        • a very near thing
        • a near hit by the bomb
        • she was near tears
        • she was close to tears
        • had a close call

        4. rigorously attentive; strict and thorough;

        • close supervision
        • paid close attention
        • a close study
        • kept a close watch on expenditures

        5. marked by fidelity to an original;

        • a close translation
        • a faithful copy of the portrait
        • a faithful rendering of the observed facts

        6. (of a contest or contestants) evenly matched;

        • a close contest
        • a close election
        • a tight game

        7. crowded;

        • close quarters

        8. lacking fresh air;

        • a dusty airless attic
        • the dreadfully close atmosphere
        • hot and stuffy and the air was blue with smoke

        9. of textiles;

        • a close weave
        • smooth percale with a very tight weave

        10. strictly confined or guarded;

        • kept under close custody

        11. confined to specific persons;

        • a close secret

        12. fitting closely but comfortably;

        • a close fit

        13. used of hair or haircuts;

        • a close military haircut

        14. giving or spending with reluctance;

        • our cheeseparing administration
        • very close (or near) with his money
        • a penny-pinching miserly old man

        15. inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information;

        • although they knew her whereabouts her friends kept close about it


        1. near in time or place or relationship;

        • as the wedding day drew near
        • stood near the door
        • don't shoot until they come near
        • getting near to the true explanation
        • her mother is always near
        • The end draws nigh
        • the bullet didn't come close
        • don't get too close to the fire

        2. in an attentive manner;

        • he remained close on his guard


        close, near, nearby


        • close : 语气强于near。指时间、地点或程度方面的接近,有紧靠、相邻的意味。
        • near : 语气弱于close,也指时间或空间上的接近,但无"紧接,接触"的含义。
        • nearby : 指距离上很近,近在咫尺。

        close, shut, slam


        • close : 较多地用于正式或庄重的文体中,如关闭铁路、公路以及其它交通渠道,要用close。
        • shut : 着重关闭的动作、过程和方式手段。
        • slam : 象声词,指"砰的关上",或用力关上。

        complete, finish, end, close, conclude, terminate, accomplish


        • complete : 侧重指完成预定的任务或使某事完善,补足缺少的部分等。
        • finish : 与complete基本同义,着重圆满地结束或完成已着手的事。
        • end : 最普通用词,着重事情的完成。也指某种活动因达到目的而自然结束或由于某种原因而突然中止。
        • close : 普通用词,着重行为的终止或结束,不强调其目的。
        • conclude : 正式用词,多指以某事或活动达到预期目的而告终。
        • terminate : 强调有一个空间和时间的限度,届时必须终止。书面语用词。
        • accomplish : 正式用词,强调一个过程的完成;也可指依靠努力达到一定目的,或取得一定的结果。

        familiar, intimate, close, confidential


        • familiar : 通常指因长期交往而彼此很熟悉,像自家人一样。
        • intimate : 语气强烈,指感情或思想融洽、相互知心,彼此关系亲密。
        • close : 语气较强,指兴趣爱好相同,因而关系密切,感情深笃。
        • confidential : 指相互之间可推心置腹、彼此信赖。


        1. close in




        2. close out



        3. close by


        4. close on(或 close to)


        5. close to the bone

        6. close to one's heart

        7. close up


        8. come close


        9. run someone close


        10. too close for comfort


        11. close the door on (或 to)

        12. close one's eyes to

        13. close one's mind to

        14. close ranks


        If you close that door, you can shut the noise in.

        你要是关上那扇门, 就听不到吵闹声了.

        The realisation that the murderer must have been a close friend came as a shock.


        Close your book, please.


        Tazief was able to set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently.


        Britain formed a close alignment with Egypt in the last century.

