


v. 开始; 启动; 创办; 从…开始

n. 开端; 起始优势



If you start to do something, you do something that you were not doing before and you continue doing it.

  • John then unlocked the front door and I started to follow him up the stairs...


  • It was 1956 when Susanna started the work on the garden...

    苏珊娜是从 1956 年开始修建这个花园的。


When something starts, or if someone starts it, it takes place from a particular time.

  • The fire is thought to have started in an upstairs room...


  • The Great War started in August of that year...

    第一次世界大战于那年 8 月爆发。


If you start by doing something, or if you start with something, you do that thing first in a series of actions.

  • I started by asking how many day-care centers were located in the United States...


  • He started with a good holiday in Key West, Florida.



You use start to say what someone's first job was. For example, if their first job was that of a factory worker, you can say that they started as a factory worker.

  • Betty started as a shipping clerk at the clothes factory...


  • Grace Robertson started as a photographer with Picture Post in 1947.

    格雷斯·罗伯逊于 1947 年参加工作,做了《图片邮报》杂志的一名摄影师。


When someone starts something such as a new business, they create it or cause it to begin.

  • George Granger has started a health centre and I know he's looking for qualified staff...


  • Now is probably as good a time as any to start a business.



If you start an engine, car, or machine, or if it starts, it begins to work.

  • He started the car, which hummed smoothly...


  • We were just passing one of the parking bays when a car's engine started.



If you start, your body suddenly moves slightly as a result of surprise or fear.

  • She put the bottle on the table, banging it down hard. He started at the sound...


  • Rachel started forward on the sofa. 'You mean you've arrested Pete?'



You use for a start or to start with to introduce the first of a number of things or reasons that you want to mention or could mention.

  • You must get her name and address, and that can be a problem for a start...


  • It comes as a surprise to be reminded that he is 70. For a start, he doesn't look it...

    有人提醒我他 70 岁了,这很令人惊讶。首先,他看上去不像。


If you get off to a good start, you are successful in the early stages of doing something. If you get off to a bad start, you are not successful in the early stages of doing something.

  • The new Prime Minister has got off to a good start, but he still has to demonstrate what manner of leader he is going to be...


  • England got off to a bad start in the Five Nations' Championship, losing 35-10 to France.

    英格兰队在五国锦标赛中开局不利,以 10 比 35 输给了法国队。


To start with means at the very first stage of an event or process.

  • To start with, the pressure on her was very heavy, but it's eased off a bit now...


  • Success was assured and, at least to start with, the system operated smoothly.




1. the beginning of anything;

  • it was off to a good start

2. the time at which something is supposed to begin;

  • they got an early start
  • she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her

3. a turn to be a starter (in a game at the beginning);

  • he got his start because one of the regular pitchers was in the hospital
  • his starting meant that the coach thought he was one of their best linemen

4. a sudden involuntary movement;

  • he awoke with a start

5. the act of starting something;

  • he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations

6. a line indicating the location of the start of a race or a game

    7. a signal to begin (as in a race);

    • the starting signal was a green light
    • the runners awaited the start

    8. advantage gained by an early start as in a race;

    • with an hour's start he will be hard to catch


    1. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action;

    • We began working at dawn
    • Who will start?
    • Get working as soon as the sun rises!
    • The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia
    • He began early in the day
    • Let's get down to work now

    2. set in motion, cause to start;

    • The U.S. started a war in the Middle East
    • The Iraqis began hostilities
    • begin a new chapter in your life

    3. leave;

    • The family took off for Florida

    4. have a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense;

    • The DMZ begins right over the hill
    • The second movement begins after the Allegro
    • Prices for these homes start at $250,000

    5. bring into being;

    • He initiated a new program
    • Start a foundation

    6. get off the ground;

    • Who started this company?
    • We embarked on an exciting enterprise
    • I start my day with a good breakfast
    • We began the new semester
    • The afternoon session begins at 4 PM
    • The blood shed started when the partisans launched a surprise attack

    7. move or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm;

    • She startled when I walked into the room

    8. get going or set in motion;

    • We simply could not start the engine
    • start up the computer

    9. begin or set in motion;

    • I start at eight in the morning
    • Ready, set, go!

    10. begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job;

    • Take up a position
    • start a new job

    11. play in the starting line-up

      12. have a beginning characterized in some specified way;

      • The novel begins with a murder
      • My property begins with the three maple trees
      • Her day begins with a work-out
      • The semester begins with a convocation ceremony

      13. begin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object;

      • begin a cigar
      • She started the soup while it was still hot
      • We started physics in 10th grade


      begin, start, commence, initiate, inaugurate


      • begin : 最常用词,含义广泛,其反义词是end,多用于行动、工作等的开始。
      • start : 在许多场合可与begin通用,但start侧重动作的起点。
      • commence : 可与begin换用,但commence系书面正式用词,语气庄重,特指有正式程序或一定仪式,或某种正式行动的"开始"。
      • initiate : 指创始或发起,侧重某过程的第一步,不考虑结束,强调起始。
      • inaugurate : 指正式而隆重的开始。

      depart, leave, go, start, quit, set out


      • depart : 较正式用词,指经过周密考虑或郑重地离开,强调离开的起点。
      • leave : 侧重出发地而不是目的地。
      • go : 一般用词,指从所在地到其它地方去,着重目的地而非出发地。
      • start : 可与leave换用,强调目的地,但不及leave普通。
      • quit : 侧重指离开令人烦恼的地方,或摆脱使人不快的人或事。
      • set out : 书面用词。


      1. don't start (或 don't you start)


      2. for a start


      3. get the start of


      4. start a family


      5. start a hare

      6. start something


      7. start in


      8. start off (或 start someone/thing off)


      9. start on



      10. start over


      11. start out (或 up)


      12. start something【非正式用语】


      13. to start with




      The announcer gave out that the 3:30 train to Manchester would start from Platform 4.


      The business folded up despite its brave start.


      She resolved on making an early start.


      It has been a success from the very start this year.


      We'll start when the team leader comes.



