


n. 光; 发光体; 点火物; 眼光; 亮色; 窗

v. 照亮; 点燃; 用光指引

adj. 天色亮的; 光线充足的; 浅色的; 轻便的; 轻的; 轻柔的; 轻松的; 少量的; 愉快的; 不严肃的; 清淡的; 松软的; 低度酒的; 易醒的



Light is the brightness that lets you see things. Light comes from sources such as the sun, moon, lamps, and fire.

  • Cracks of light filtered through the shutters...


  • Light and water in embassy buildings were cut off...



A light is something such as an electric lamp which produces light.

  • The janitor comes round to turn the lights out...


  • You get into the music, the lights and the people around you.



You can use lights to refer to a set of traffic lights.

  • ...the heavy city traffic with its endless delays at lights and crossings.



If a place or object is lit by something, it has light shining on it.

  • It was dark and a giant moon lit the road so brightly you could see the landscape clearly...


  • The room was lit by only the one light...



If it is light, the sun is providing light at the beginning or end of the day.

  • It was still light when we arrived at Lalong Creek...


  • He would often rise as soon as it was light and go into the garden.



If a room or building is light, it has a lot of natural light in it, for example because it has large windows.

  • It is a light room with tall windows...


  • Her house is light and airy, crisp and clean.



If you light something such as a cigarette or fire, or if it lights, it starts burning.

  • Stephen hunched down to light a cigarette...


  • If the charcoal does fail to light, use a special liquid spray and light it with a long taper.



If someone asks you for a light, they want a match or cigarette lighter so they can start smoking.

  • Have you got a light anybody?



If something is presented in a particular light, it is presented so that you think about it in a particular way or so that it appears to be of a particular nature.

  • He has worked hard in recent months to portray New York in a better light.



You can refer to the type of influence that something has on situations, people, or things as the light of that situation, person, or thing.

  • ...the harsh light of reality.



You say that something is done or is acceptable according to someone's lights when you mean that it is done or is acceptable according to their own ideas and standards.

  • They can get on with running the school system according to their own lights and in their own interests.



If there is a light in someone's eyes, there is an expression in their eyes that shows you the mood they are in or what they are thinking about.

  • I remembered the curious expectant light in his eyes.



If something comes to light or is brought to light, it becomes obvious or is made known to a lot of people.

  • Nothing about this sum has come to light...


  • The truth is unlikely to be brought to light by the promised enquiry.



If light dawns on you, you begin to understand something after a period of not being able to understand it.

  • At last the light dawned. He was going to marry Phylis!



First light is the time in the early morning when light first appears and before the sun rises.

  • Three hours before first light Fuentes gave orders for the evacuation of the camp.



If someone in authority gives you a green light, they give you permission to do something.

  • The food industry was given a green light to extend the use of these chemicals...


  • Other countries are eagerly awaiting an American green light to lift the sanctions altogether.



If something is possible in the light of particular information, it is only possible because you have this information.

  • In the light of this information it is now possible to identify a number of key issues.



If someone goes out like a light, they fall asleep or become unconscious very quickly or immediately.

  • 'Why didn't somebody come and tell me?' 'Because you were out like a light.'



If you say that an object sees the light of day or sees the light, you mean that it is taken out of the place where it is stored.

  • Museum basements are stacked full of objects which never see the light of day.



If something sees the light of day at a particular time, it comes into existence or is made known to the public at that time.

  • This extraordinary document first saw the light of day in 1966.



If someone sees the light, they finally realize something or change their attitude or way of behaving to a better one.

  • I saw the light and ditched him.



If you set light to something, you make it start burning.

  • They had poured fuel through the door of the flat and had then set light to it.



To shed light on ,throw light on, or cast light on something means to make it easier to understand, because more information is known about it.

  • A new approach offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question.



When you talk about the light at the end of the tunnel, you are referring to the end of the difficult or unpleasant situation that you are in at the moment.

  • All I can do is tell her to hold on, that there's light at the end of the tunnel.




1. (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation;

  • the light was filtered through a soft glass window

2. any device serving as a source of illumination;

  • he stopped the car and turned off the lights

3. a particular perspective or aspect of a situation;

  • although he saw it in a different light, he still did not understand

4. the quality of being luminous; emitting or reflecting light;

  • its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun

5. an illuminated area;

  • he stepped into the light

6. a condition of spiritual awareness; divine illumination;

  • follow God's light

7. the visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures;

  • he could paint the lightest light and the darkest dark

8. a person regarded very fondly;

  • the light of my life

9. mental understanding as an enlightening experience;

  • he finally saw the light
  • can you shed light on this problem?

10. having abundant light or illumination;

  • they played as long as it was light
  • as long as the lighting was good

11. public awareness;

  • it brought the scandal to light

12. brightness and animation of countenance;

  • he had a sparkle in his eye

13. a visual warning signal;

  • they saw the light of the beacon
  • there was a light at every corner

14. a device for lighting or igniting fuel or charges or fires;

  • do you have a light?


1. make lighter or brighter;

  • This lamp lightens the room a bit

2. begin to smoke;

  • After the meal, some of the diners lit up

3. to come to rest, settle;

  • Misfortune lighted upon him

4. cause to start burning; subject to fire or great heat;

  • Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter
  • Light a cigarette

5. fall to somebody by assignment or lot;

  • The task fell to me
  • It fell to me to notify the parents of the victims

6. get off (a horse)


    1. of comparatively little physical weight or density;

    • a light load
    • magnesium is a light metal--having a specific gravity of 1.74 at 20 degrees C

    2. (used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent;

    • light blue
    • light colors such as pastels
    • a light-colored powder

    3. of the military or industry; using (or being) relatively small or light arms or equipment;

    • light infantry
    • light cavalry
    • light industry
    • light weapons

    4. not great in degree or quantity or number;

    • a light sentence
    • a light accent
    • casualties were light
    • light snow was falling
    • light misty rain
    • light smoke from the chimney

    5. psychologically light; especially free from sadness or troubles;

    • a light heart

    6. characterized by or emitting light;

    • a room that is light when the shutters are open
    • the inside of the house was airy and light

    7. used of vowels or syllables; pronounced with little or no stress;

    • a syllable that ends in a short vowel is a light syllable
    • a weak stress on the second syllable

    8. easily assimilated in the alimentary canal; not rich or heavily seasoned;

    • a light diet

    9. (used of soil) loose and large-grained in consistency;

    • light sandy soil

    10. (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims;

    • efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings
    • clear laughter like a waterfall
    • clear reds and blues
    • a light lilting voice like a silver bell

    11. moving easily and quickly; nimble;

    • the dancer was light and graceful
    • a lightsome buoyant step
    • walked with a light tripping step

    12. demanding little effort; not burdensome;

    • light housework
    • light exercise

    13. of little intensity or power or force;

    • the light touch of her fingers
    • a light breeze

    14. (physics, chemistry) not having atomic weight greater than average;

    • light water is ordinary water

    15. weak and likely to lose consciousness;

    • suddenly felt faint from the pain
    • was sick and faint from hunger
    • felt light in the head
    • a swooning fit
    • light-headed with wine
    • light-headed from lack of sleep

    16. very thin and insubstantial;

    • thin paper
    • flimsy voile
    • light summer dresses

    17. marked by temperance in indulgence;

    • abstemious meals
    • a light eater
    • a light smoker
    • ate a light supper

    18. less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so;

    • a light pound
    • a scant cup of sugar
    • regularly gives short weight

    19. having little importance;

    • losing his job was no light matter

    20. intended primarily as entertainment; not serious or profound;

    • light verse
    • a light comedy

    21. silly or trivial;

    • idle pleasure
    • light banter
    • light idle chatter

    22. having a spongy or flaky texture; well-leavened;

    • light pastries

    23. designed for ease of movement or to carry little weight;

    • light aircraft
    • a light truck

    24. having relatively few calories;

    • diet cola
    • light (or lite) beer
    • lite (or light) mayonnaise
    • a low-cal diet

    25. (of sleep) easily disturbed;

    • in a light doze
    • a light sleeper
    • a restless wakeful night

    26. casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior;

    • her easy virtue
    • he was told to avoid loose (or light) women
    • wanton behavior


    1. with few burdens;

    • experienced travellers travel light


    blaze, flame, flare, glow, glare, flash, glitter, twinkle, light


    • blaze : 指猛烈燃烧所发生强烈的光。
    • flame : 指一条或多条火舌,多用复数形式,指由许多火舌构成的大火。
    • flare : 指摇曳的火焰。
    • glow : 指像冶炼铁和钢时发出的红光。
    • glare : 指眩目的光。
    • flash : 指突然发出而随即消失的闪光。
    • glitter : 指连续发出闪烁不定的光。
    • twinkle : 指如星光等的闪烁。
    • light : 普通用词,指日、月、星或灯等的光。

    kindle, fire, ignite, light


    • kindle : 指艰难或缓慢地把可燃料点燃,可用于比喻。
    • fire : 普通用词,指将某物点燃使其燃烧起来,火势可大可小。
    • ignite : 多用于科技文体,指使某物受热直到燃烧或发光,也可指用火花使易燃物迅速燃烧起来。
    • light : 普通用词,指点燃易燃物,使其能发光,满足各种需要。

    lamp, light


    • lamp : 通常指以油、气或电为能源的照明设备,一般有罩。
    • light : 普通用词,含义广泛。泛指一切供照明的灯,多指电灯。


    1. light up



    2. light into 【非正式用语】


    3. light out 【非正式用语】


    4. bring (或 come) to light


    5. go out like a light


    6. in a — light


    7. in the light of (或北美in light of)


    8. light a fire under someone

    9. light and shade


    10. light at the end of the tunnel


    11. light the fuse

    12. the light of day


    13. the light of someone's life


    14. lights out



    He's a leading light of the business.


    Benjamin fumbled for the light switch.


    In the light of his remarks, we rejected her offer.

    鉴于他的评语, 我们拒绝了她的提议.

    Put a match to the jet to light the gas.


    She gave him a light peck of farewell.





