


v. 落下; 摔倒; 下垂; 减少; 垮台; 陷落; 战死; 陷入(某种状态); 发生; 属于

n. 落下; 瀑布; 秋季; 垮台; 减少; 人类堕落; (摔跤中)双肩着地



If someone or something falls, they move quickly downwards onto or towards the ground, by accident or because of a natural force.

  • Her father fell into the sea after a massive heart attack...


  • Prince Charles has again fallen from his horse...



If a person or structure that is standing somewhere falls, they move from their upright position, so that they are then lying on the ground.

  • The woman gripped the shoulders of her man to stop herself from falling...


  • We watched buildings fall on top of people and pets...



When rain or snow falls, it comes down from the sky.

  • Winds reached up to 100mph in some places with an inch of rain falling within 15 minutes.

    风力在一些地方达到了每小时 100 英里,15 分钟内降雨量达一英寸。


If you fall somewhere, you allow yourself to drop there in a hurried or disorganized way, often because you are very tired.

  • Totally exhausted, he tore his clothes off and fell into bed...


  • In the morning I got as far as the sofa and fell on to it.



If something falls, it decreases in amount, value, or strength.

  • Output will fall by 6%...

    产量将减少 6%。

  • Her weight fell to under seven stones...

    她的体重减到了 7 英石以下。


If a powerful or successful person falls, they suddenly lose their power or position.

  • There's a danger of the government falling because it will lose its majority...


  • The moment Mrs Thatcher fell from power has left a lasting imprint on the world's memory.



If a place falls in a war or election, an enemy army or a different political party takes control of it.

  • Croatian army troops retreated from northern Bosnia and the area fell to the Serbs...


  • With the announcement 'Paphos has fallen!' a cheer went up from the assembled soldiers.



If someone falls in battle, they are killed.

  • Another wave of troops followed the first, running past those who had fallen.



You can use fall to show that someone or something passes into another state. For example, if someone falls ill, they become ill, and if something falls into disrepair, it is then in a state of disrepair.

  • It is almost impossible to visit Florida without falling in love with the state...


  • 'Business to Business' was taken over by another company after it fell into debt...



If you say that something or someone falls into a particular group or category, you mean that they belong in that group or category.

  • The problems generally fall into two categories...


  • Both women fall into the highest-risk group.



If the responsibility or blame for something falls on someone, they have to take the responsibility or the blame for it.

  • That responsibility falls on the local office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees...


  • A vastly disproportionate burden falls on women for child care...



If silence or a feeling of sadness or tiredness falls on a group of people, they become silent, sad, or tired.

  • The bus was stopped and silence fell on the passengers as the police checked identity cards.



If a celebration or other special event falls on a particular day or date, it happens to be on that day or date.

  • ...the oddly named Quasimodo Sunday which falls on the first Sunday after Easter.



When light or shadow falls on something, it covers it.

  • Nancy, out of the corner of her eye, saw the shadow that suddenly fell across the doorway.



If someone's hair or a garment falls in a certain way, it hangs downwards in that way.

  • ...a slender boy with black hair falling across his forehead.



If you say that someone's eyes fell on something, you mean they suddenly noticed it.

  • As he laid the flowers on the table, his eye fell upon a note in Grace's handwriting.



When night or darkness falls, night begins and it becomes dark.

  • As darkness fell outside, they sat down to eat at long tables.



You can refer to a waterfall as the falls .

  • ...panoramic views of the falls.


  • ...Niagara Falls.



Fall is the season between summer and winter when the weather becomes cooler.

  • He was elected judge in the fall of 1991...

    1991 年秋他当选为法官。

  • The Supreme Court will not hear the case until next fall.



In the Christian religion, the Fall was the occasion when Adam and Eve sinned and God made them leave the Garden of Eden.


    In some sports such as judo and wrestling, a fall is the act of throwing or forcing your opponent to the floor.


      In cricket, when a wicket falls, the team who are fielding get one of the batsmen out.

      • The last seven wickets fell for ten runs.

        最后 7 次三柱门失陷得了10分。


      If something falls open, it opens accidentally.

      • By chance the book beside him fell open to St. Paul's warning to the Romans...


      • The basket that she was carrying fell open.



      If you say that people are falling over themselves to do something, you mean that they are very enthusiastic about doing it, and often that you disapprove of this.

      • Within days of his death those same people were falling over themselves to denounce him.


      PHRASEfall to pieces (英国英语中作 fall to bits) 同 fall apart

      To fall to pieces, or in British English to fall to bits, means the same as to fall apart .

      • At that point the radio handset fell to pieces.


      PHRASAL VERB散架;垮掉;摔碎

      If something falls apart, it breaks into pieces because it is old or badly made.

      • The work was never finished and bit by bit the building fell apart.


      PHRASAL VERB(机构或体系)解散,瓦解

      If an organization or system falls apart, it becomes disorganized or unable to work effectively, or breaks up into its different parts.

      • Europe's monetary system is falling apart...


      • I've tried everything to stop our marriage falling apart.


      PHRASAL VERB(情感上)崩溃,垮掉

      If you say that someone is falling apart, you mean that they are becoming emotionally disturbed and are unable to think calmly or to deal with the difficult or unpleasant situation that they are in.

      • I was falling apart. I wasn't getting any sleep.


      PHRASAL VERB脱落;分离

      If something falls away from the thing it is attached to, it breaks off.

      • Officials say that one or two engines fell away from the plane shortly after takeoff.


      PHRASAL VERB(地面自某处)向下倾斜

      If you say that land falls away, you mean it slopes downwards from a particular point.

      • On either side of the tracks the ground fell away sharply.


      PHRASAL VERB(程度)降低,减弱;(数量、规模)减少,减小

      If the degree, amount, or size of something falls away, it decreases.

      • His coalition may hold a clear majority but this could quickly fall away...


      • Demand began to fall away.


      PHRASAL VERB略微退后;稍稍后退

      If you fall back, you move backwards a short distance away from someone or something.

      • He fell back in embarrassment when he saw that Ross had no hair at all...


      • The congregation fell back from them slightly as they entered.


      PHRASAL VERB(军队)撤退,后撤

      If an army falls back during a battle or war, it withdraws.

      • The Prussian garrison at Charleroi was falling back.


      PHRASAL VERB落后;跟不上

      If you fall behind, you do not make progress or move forward as fast as other people.

      • Evans had rheumatic fever, missed school and fell behind...


      • Boris is falling behind all the top players.


      PHRASAL VERB(使)不能按时完成(或交付)

      If you fall behind with something or let it fall behind, you do not do it or produce it when you should, according to an agreement or schedule.

      • He faces losing his home after falling behind with the payments...


      • Thousands of people could die because the relief effort has fallen so far behind...


      PHRASAL VERB(在…上)薄弱,不尽如人意

      If an argument, organization, or person falls down on a particular point, they are weak or unsatisfactory on that point.

      • Service was outstandingly friendly and efficient, falling down on only one detail...


      • That is where his argument falls down.


      PHRASAL VERB迷恋;爱上

      If you fall for someone, you are strongly attracted to them and start loving them.

      • He was fantastically handsome I just fell for him right away.


      PHRASAL VERB上…的当;受…的骗;对…信以为真

      If you fall for a lie or trick, you believe it or are deceived by it.

      • It was just a line to get you out here, and you fell for it!


      • I told him I would think about it and asked for his telephone number. He didn't fall for that one.


      PHRASAL VERB(屋顶、天花板)塌陷,坍塌

      If a roof or ceiling falls in, it collapses and falls to the ground.

      • Part of my bedroom ceiling has fallen in.


      PHRASAL VERB走在…的后面(或身边)

      If you fall in behind or beside someone who is walking along, you start walking behind them or beside them.

      • Prentice saw Goss fall in behind the informer.


      PHRASAL VERB赞成,接受(思想、计划、体系)

      If you fall in with an idea, plan, or system, you accept it and do not try to change it.

      • Carmen's reluctance to fall in with Driver's plans led to trouble.


      PHRASAL VERB与…来往密切

      If you fall in with someone, you become friends with them and start seeing them a lot.

      • At university, Taylor had fallen in with a small clique of literature students.


      PHRASAL VERB(从接合处)脱落,掉落

      If something falls off, it separates from the thing to which it was attached and moves towards the ground.

      • When your exhaust falls off, you have to replace it.


      PHRASAL VERB(程度)降低,减弱;(数量、规模)减少

      If the degree, amount, or size of something falls off, it decreases.

      • Unemployment is rising again and retail buying has fallen off.


      PHRASAL VERB(头发、牙齿)掉落,脱落

      If something such as a person's hair or a tooth falls out, it comes out.

      • Her hair started falling out as a result of radiation treatment.



      If you fall out with someone, you have an argument and stop being friendly with them. You can also say that two people fall out .

      • She fell out with her husband...


      • Mum and I used to fall out a lot.


      PHRASAL VERB(责任、职责、机会)落到…的头上;应由…做

      If a responsibility, duty, or opportunity falls to someone, it becomes their responsibility, duty, or opportunity.

      • He's been very unlucky that no chances have fallen to him.


      • It fell to me to get rid of them.


      PHRASAL VERB开始(做…)

      If someone falls to doing something, they start doing it.

      • When she had departed, they fell to fighting among themselves.




      1. the season when the leaves fall from the trees;

      • in the fall of 1973

      2. a sudden drop from an upright position;

      • he had a nasty spill on the ice

      3. a downward slope or bend

        4. a lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity;

        • a fall from virtue

        5. a sudden decline in strength or number or importance;

        • the fall of the House of Hapsburg

        6. a movement downward;

        • the rise and fall of the tides

        7. the act of surrendering (under agreed conditions);

        • they were protected until the capitulation of the fort

        8. the time of day immediately following sunset;

        • he loved the twilight
        • they finished before the fall of night

        9. when a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the mat

          10. a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity;

          • it was a miracle that he survived the drop from that height

          11. a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity;

          • a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index
          • there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery
          • a dip in prices
          • when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall


          1. descend in free fall under the influence of gravity;

          • The branch fell from the tree
          • The unfortunate hiker fell into a crevasse

          2. move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way;

          • The temperature is going down
          • The barometer is falling
          • The curtain fell on the diva
          • Her hand went up and then fell again

          3. pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind;

          • fall into a trap
          • She fell ill
          • They fell out of favor
          • Fall in love
          • fall asleep
          • fall prey to an imposter
          • fall into a strange way of thinking
          • she fell to pieces after she lost her work

          4. come under, be classified or included;

          • fall into a category
          • This comes under a new heading

          5. fall from clouds;

          • rain, snow and sleet were falling
          • Vesuvius precipitated its fiery, destructive rage on Herculaneum

          6. suffer defeat, failure, or ruin;

          • We must stand or fall
          • fall by the wayside

          7. decrease in size, extent, or range;

          • The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester
          • The cabin pressure fell dramatically
          • her weight fall to under a hundred pounds
          • his voice fell to a whisper

          8. die, as in battle or in a hunt;

          • Many soldiers fell at Verdun
          • Several deer have fallen to the same gun
          • The shooting victim fell dead

          9. touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly;

          • Light fell on her face
          • The sun shone on the fields
          • The light struck the golden necklace
          • A strange sound struck my ears

          10. be captured;

          • The cities fell to the enemy

          11. occur at a specified time or place;

          • Christmas falls on a Monday this year
          • The accent falls on the first syllable

          12. yield to temptation or sin;

          • Adam and Eve fell

          13. lose office or power;

          • The government fell overnight
          • The Qing Dynasty fell with Sun Yat-sen

          14. to be given by assignment or distribution;

          • The most difficult task fell on the youngest member of the team
          • The onus fell on us
          • The pressure to succeed fell on the yougest student

          15. move in a specified direction;

          • The line of men fall forward

          16. be due;

          • payments fall on the 1st of the month

          17. lose one's chastity;

          • a fallen woman

          18. to be given by right or inheritance;

          • The estate fell to the oldest daughter

          19. come into the possession of;

          • The house accrued to the oldest son

          20. fall to somebody by assignment or lot;

          • The task fell to me
          • It fell to me to notify the parents of the victims

          21. be inherited by;

          • The estate fell to my sister
          • The land returned to the family
          • The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead

          22. slope downward;

          • The hills around here fall towards the ocean

          23. lose an upright position suddenly;

          • The vase fell over and the water spilled onto the table
          • Her hair fell across her forehead

          24. drop oneself to a lower or less erect position;

          • She fell back in her chair
          • He fell to his knees

          25. fall or flow in a certain way;

          • This dress hangs well
          • Her long black hair flowed down her back

          26. assume a disappointed or sad expression;

          • Her face fell when she heard that she would be laid off
          • his crest fell

          27. be cast down;

          • his eyes fell

          28. come out; issue;

          • silly phrases fell from her mouth

          29. be born, used chiefly of lambs;

          • The lambs fell in the afternoon

          30. begin vigorously;

          • The prisoners fell to work right away

          31. go as if by falling;

          • Grief fell from our hearts

          32. come as if by falling;

          • Night fell
          • Silence fell


          autumn, fall


          • autumn和fall这两个词的区别在于使用地区的不同,前者为英国用词,后者是美国英语。

          collapse, fall


          • collapse : 通常指房屋等突然倒塌。
          • fall : 一般指由于失去平衡等原因而倒塌,也可作引申用。

          descend, drop, fall, sink


          • descend : 通常指沿斜线或斜坡下降。
          • drop : 指物体从一定高度落下。
          • fall与drop同义,指突然或猛烈地降落,但fall也可指任何下落,同高度或形式无关。
          • sink : 指在空气或水中垂直下降、下沉。


          1. fall between two stools

            见 stool

          2. fall foul (或主北美a foul)of


          3. fall in (或 into) line


          4. fall in (或 out of) love (with someone)

          5. fall into place


          6. fall on stony ground

          7. fall over oneself to do something


          8. fall short (of)


          9. fall to pieces

          10. fall victim to

          11. take the fall


          12. fall about


          13. fall apart (或 to pieces)


          14. fall back on



          The man of Qi worries in case the sky should fall.


          We still fall far short of what the Party expects of us.


          We are likely to fall into step with them.


          These books fall into several categories.


          The temperature tonight will fall to seven degrees Celsius.






          vi. 落下;下跌


          n. 跌倒;下降;秋天


