


v. 打翻,弄翻; 打亂,打攪

adj. 難過的; 失望的; 沮喪的; (腸胃)不舒服的



If you are upset, you are unhappy or disappointed because something unpleasant has happened to you.

  • After she died I felt very, very upset...


  • Marta looked upset...



If something upsets you, it makes you feel worried or unhappy.

  • The whole incident had upset me and my fiancee terribly...


  • She warned me not to say anything to upset him...



If events upset something such as a procedure or a state of affairs, they cause it to go wrong.

  • ...a deal that would upset the balance of power in the world's gold markets...


  • House prices are easily upset by factors which have nothing to do with property.



If you upset an object, you accidentally knock or push it over so that it scatters over a large area.

  • Don't upset the piles of sheets under the box.


  • ...bumping into him, and almost upsetting the ginger ale.



A stomach upset is a slight illness in your stomach caused by an infection or by something that you have eaten.

  • Paul was unwell last night with a stomach upset...


  • It wasn't anything serious. A mild stomach upset, that's all.




1. an unhappy and worried mental state;

  • there was too much anger and disturbance
  • she didn't realize the upset she caused me

2. the act of disturbing the mind or body;

  • his carelessness could have caused an ecological upset
  • she was unprepared for this sudden overthrow of their normal way of living

3. condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning;

  • the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder
  • everyone gets stomach upsets from time to time

4. a tool used to thicken or spread (the end of a bar or a rivet etc.) by forging or hammering or swaging

    5. the act of upsetting something;

    • he was badly bruised by the upset of his sled at a high speed

    6. an improbable and unexpected victory;

    • the biggest upset since David beat Goliath


    1. disturb the balance or stability of;

    • The hostile talks upset the peaceful relations between the two countries

    2. cause to lose one's composure

      3. move deeply;

      • This book upset me
      • A troubling thought

      4. cause to overturn from an upright or normal position;

      • The cat knocked over the flower vase
      • the clumsy customer turned over the vase
      • he tumped over his beer

      5. form metals with a swage

        6. defeat suddenly and unexpectedly;

        • The foreign team upset the local team


        1. afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief;

        • too upset to say anything
        • spent many disquieted moments
        • distressed about her son's leaving home
        • lapsed into disturbed sleep
        • worried parents
        • a worried frown
        • one last worried check of the sleeping children

        2. thrown into a state of disarray or confusion;

        • troops fleeing in broken ranks
        • a confused mass of papers on the desk
        • the small disordered room
        • with everything so upset

        3. used of an unexpected defeat of a team favored to win;

        • the Bills' upset victory over the Houston Oilers

        4. mildly physically distressed;

        • an upset stomach

        5. having been turned so that the bottom is no longer the bottom;

        • an overturned car
        • the upset pitcher of milk
        • sat on an upturned bucket


        upset, agitate, disturb, perturb


        • upset : 最普通,最通俗用詞,側重失去精神上的平靜,心理上完全喪失平衡。
        • agitate : 側重指內心的焦慮,難於控制,表露於外。
        • disturb : 指因某人的行動、擾亂、妨礙安靜等而使人不得安寧。
        • perturb : 書面語用詞,指使人焦急煩惱,擾得心情不安。


        This accident upset our plans and threw us into confusion.


        He means no harm by saying what he thinks, but people tend to be upset by it.

        他想到什麼就說什麼,並無惡意, 但人們聽了心裡總是不舒服.

        You may be a bit upset, but it's really nothing to make a song and dance.

        你或許有些苦惱, 但實在不必小題大做.

        Women like her seldom stay on an even keel. Even the smallest things upset them.

        像她那樣的女人很少有情緒穩定的時候, 一點小事也會使她們心煩意亂.

        He won't be contented until he's upset everyone in the office.



