


adv. 然而; 不管怎樣; …左右

conj. 不管怎樣



You use however when you are adding a comment which is surprising or which contrasts with what has just been said.

  • This was not an easy decision. It is, however, a decision that we feel is dictated by our duty...


  • Some of the food crops failed. However, the cotton did quite well...



You use however before an adjective or adverb to emphasize that the degree or extent of something cannot change a situation.

  • You should always strive to achieve more, however well you have done before...


  • However hard she tried, nothing seemed to work...



You use however when you want to say that it makes no difference how something is done.

  • However we adopt healthcare reform, it isn't going to save major amounts of money...


  • Wear your hair however you want.



You use however in expressions such as or however long it takes and or however many there were to indicate that the figure you have just mentioned may not be accurate.

  • The 20,000 or however many who come to watch would love to be out on the pitch...


  • Wait 30 to 60 minutes or however long it takes.


QUEST究竟怎樣,到底如何(用於強調地詢問令人吃驚的事情;一些人認為此用法不正確,用how ever較為妥當)

You can use however to ask in an emphatic way how something has happened which you are very surprised about. Some speakers of English think that this form is incorrect and prefer to use 'how ever'.

  • However did you find this place in such weather?




1. despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession);

  • although I'm a little afraid, however I'd like to try it
  • while we disliked each other, nevertheless we agreed
  • he was a stern yet fair master
  • granted that it is dangerous, all the same I still want to go

2. by contrast; on the other hand;

  • the first part was easy; the second, however, took hours

3. to whatever degree or extent;

  • The results, however general, are important
  • they have begun, however reluctantly, to acknowledge the legitimacy of some of the opposition's concerns

4. in whatever way or manner;

  • Victory, however it was brought about, was sweet
  • however he did it, it was very clever

5. in what way or manner or by what means (`however' is sometimes used as an intensive form of `how');

  • how did you catch the snake?
  • he told us how he did it
  • however did you get here so soon?


but, however, still, yet, nevertheless, while, whereas


  • but : 口語常用詞,語氣較強,泛指與前述情況相反。
  • however : 錶轉折關係,語氣稍弱於but,連線性也弱一些,因而常作插入語。
  • still : 語氣強,多用於肯定句或疑問句。指儘管作出讓步,採取措施或表示反對,但情況仍然如故,無所改變。
  • yet : 常用於否定句,語氣比still稍強。指不管作出多大努力或讓步,仍達不到預期的結果。
  • nevertheless : 指儘管作出完全讓步,也不會發生任何影響。
  • while : 表對比,一般可與whereas換用,但程度弱一些。
  • whereas : 表對比,一般可與while互換。


However, this failed to produce the desired effect.


However, there were two disagreements among some Asian and European participants at the colloquium.

然而, 與會的亞洲和歐洲代表在兩方面出現意見分歧.

The apparatus thus described, however, records only the horizontal component of the wave movement.

然而, 儀器的如此描畫只記錄下波的運動的水平組成部分, 但是事實上波的運動要複雜得多(指不易解釋).

This was obviously a reasonable suggestion; it doesn't, however, find favor with the men.

很明顯這是一個合理的建議, 然而這些人不贊成.

However much you may entreat him, you will get little or nothing.

無論你向他懇求多少, 你都不會得到什麼東西的.
