


n. 一塊,一批; 立方體; 大樓; 街區; 一片土地; 障礙(物),攔截

v. 堵塞,擋住; 妨礙; 攔截



A block of flats or offices is a large building containing them.

  • ...blocks of council flats.


  • ...a white-painted apartment block.



A block in a town is an area of land with streets on all its sides.

  • She walked four blocks down High Street...


  • He walked around the block three times.



A block of a substance is a large rectangular piece of it.

  • ...a block of ice.



To block a road, channel, or pipe means to put an object across it or in it so that nothing can pass through it or along it.

  • Some students today blocked a highway that cuts through the center of the city...


  • When the shrimp farm is built it will block the stream...



If something blocks your view, it prevents you from seeing something because it is between you and that thing.

  • ...a row of spruce trees that blocked his view of the long north slope of the mountain.



If you block someone's way, you prevent them from going somewhere or entering a place by standing in front of them.

  • I started to move round him, but he blocked my way...


  • Mr Calder tried to leave the shop but the police officer blocked his path.



If you block something that is being arranged, you prevent it from being done.

  • For years the country has tried to block imports of various cheap foreign products...


  • His persistent attempts to complain to his superiors were blocked and ignored.



In some sports, if a player blocks a shot or kick, they stop the ball reaching its target. If one player blocks another, the first stops the second from reaching or moving with the ball.

  • In the final seconds, Gunn goalie Kevin Cantwell blocked two shots.



A block of something such as tickets or shares is a large quantity of them, especially when they are all sold at the same time and are in a particular sequence or order.

  • Those booking a block of seats get them at reduced rates.



If you have a mental block or a block, you are temporarily unable to do something that you can normally do which involves using, thinking about, or remembering something.


    If someone lays their head on the block, or puts their head on the block, they are risking their reputation or position by taking a particular course of action.

    • The Chancellor, by his unusual statement, has put his head on the block.




    1. a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides);

    • the pyramids were built with large stone blocks

    2. a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings;

    • he lives in the next block

    3. a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides

      4. a number or quantity of related things dealt with as a unit;

      • he reserved a large block of seats
      • he held a large block of the company's stock

      5. housing in a large building that is divided into separate units;

      • there is a block of classrooms in the west wing

      6. (computer science) a sector or group of sectors that function as the smallest data unit permitted;

      • since blocks are often defined as a single sector, the terms `block' and `sector' are sometimes used interchangeably

      7. an inability to remember or think of something you normally can do; often caused by emotional tension;

      • I knew his name perfectly well but I had a temporary block

      8. a simple machine consisting of a wheel with a groove in which a rope can run to change the direction or point of application of a force applied to the rope

        9. a metal casting containing the cylinders and cooling ducts of an engine;

        • the engine had to be replaced because the block was cracked

        10. an obstruction in a pipe or tube;

        • we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe

        11. a platform from which an auctioneer sells;

        • they put their paintings on the block

        12. (American football) the act of obstructing someone's path with your body;

        • he threw a rolling block into the line backer


        1. render unsuitable for passage;

        • block the way
        • barricade the streets
        • stop the busy road

        2. hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of;

        • His brother blocked him at every turn

        3. stop from happening or developing;

        • Block his election
        • Halt the process

        4. interfere with or prevent the reception of signals;

        • Jam the Voice of America
        • block the signals emitted by this station

        5. run on a block system;

        • block trains

        6. interrupt the normal function of by means of anesthesia;

        • block a nerve
        • block a muscle

        7. shut out from view or get in the way so as to hide from sight;

        • The thick curtain blocked the action on the stage
        • The trees obstruct my view of the mountains

        8. stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block;

        • block the book cover

        9. obstruct;

        • My nose is all stuffed
        • Her arteries are blocked

        10. block passage through;

        • obstruct the path

        11. support, secure, or raise with a block;

        • block a plate for printing
        • block the wheels of a car

        12. impede the movement of (an opponent or a ball);

        • block an attack

        13. be unable to remember;

        • I'm drawing a blank
        • You are blocking the name of your first wife!

        14. shape by using a block;

        • Block a hat
        • block a garment

        15. shape into a block or blocks;

        • block the graphs so one can see the results clearly

        16. prohibit the conversion or use of (assets);

        • Blocked funds
        • Freeze the assets of this hostile government


        block, bar, hinder, obstruct, prevent, hamper


        • block : 語氣強烈,指有效堵住了通道,使人或物無法透過。
        • bar : 含義與block很接近,指阻塞通道或禁止出入,但有對暗示不用障礙物的阻止或禁止。
        • hinder : 語氣較輕,多指阻礙、拖延人或事,強調使進展速度緩慢下來。
        • obstruct : 正式用詞,語氣強,多指以干擾或設定障礙的方式阻礙交通,使不能自由暢通。
        • prevent : 含義廣泛,指採取預防措施或設定障礙去阻止某人或某事。
        • hamper : 側重因受到約束或阻礙而造成的行動困難。


        1. have been around the block (a few times)


        2. the new kid on the block


        3. on the (auction) block

          (主 北美)待拍賣中

        4. put (或 lay) one's head (或 neck) on the block


        5. block something in





        6. block something out




        7. out of the blocks



        Tell me where you've been out so late, or I'll knock your block off.

        告訴我你到哪兒去了,這麼晚才回來, 不說我就揍死你.

        The students occupied the Administration Block.


        The workmen quarried out a huge block of marble.


        Since they moved to this block , the two families have remained at daggers'drawn.


        Block out the bottom of this picture when it is printed ; the balance of the page will be better.

        洗印的時候, 壓掉照片的底部,這樣看起來平衡效果好些.





        vt. 阻礙;阻擋;堵塞
