


v. 拿,取; 攜帶; 移開; 奪取; 吃,喝; 寫下; 拍照; 接受

n. 場景,鏡頭; 態度,看法



You can use take followed by a noun to talk about an action or event, when it would also be possible to use the verb that is related to that noun. For example, you can say 'she took a shower' instead of 'she showered'.

  • She was too tired to take a shower...


  • Betty took a photograph of us...



In ordinary spoken or written English, people use take with a range of nouns instead of using a more specific verb. For example people often say 'he took control' or 'she took a positive attitude' instead of 'he assumed control' or 'she adopted a positive attitude'.

  • The Patriotic Front took power after a three-month civil war...

    經過 3 個月內戰,愛國陣線奪取了政權。

  • I felt it was important for women to join and take a leading role...




1. the income arising from land or other property;

  • the average return was about 5%

2. the act of photographing a scene or part of a scene without interruption


    1. carry out;

    • take action
    • take steps
    • take vengeance

    2. as of time or space;

    • It took three hours to get to work this morning
    • This event occupied a very short time

    3. take somebody somewhere;

    • We lead him to our chief
    • can you take me to the main entrance?
    • He conducted us to the palace

    4. get into one's hands, take physically;

    • Take a cookie!
    • Can you take this bag, please

    5. take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect;

    • His voice took on a sad tone
    • The story took a new turn
    • he adopted an air of superiority
    • She assumed strange manners
    • The gods assume human or animal form in these fables

    6. interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression;

    • I read this address as a satire
    • How should I take this message?
    • You can't take credit for this!

    7. take something or somebody with oneself somewhere;

    • Bring me the box from the other room
    • Take these letters to the boss
    • This brings me to the main point

    8. take into one's possession;

    • We are taking an orphan from Romania
    • I'll take three salmon steaks

    9. require as useful, just, or proper;

    • It takes nerve to do what she did
    • success usually requires hard work
    • This job asks a lot of patience and skill
    • This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice
    • This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert
    • This intervention does not postulates a patient's consent

    10. pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives;

    • Take any one of these cards
    • Choose a good husband for your daughter
    • She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her

    11. travel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route;

    • He takes the bus to work
    • She takes Route 1 to Newark

    12. receive willingly something given or offered;

    • The only girl who would have him was the miller's daughter
    • I won't have this dog in my house!
    • Please accept my present

    13. assume, as of positions or roles;

    • She took the job as director of development

    14. take into consideration for exemplifying purposes;

    • Take the case of China
    • Consider the following case

    15. experience or feel or submit to;

    • Take a test
    • Take the plunge

    16. make a film or photograph of something;

    • take a scene
    • shoot a movie

    17. remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, taking off, etc. or remove something abstract;

    • remove a threat
    • remove a wrapper
    • Remove the dirty dishes from the table
    • take the gun from your pocket
    • This machine withdraws heat from the environment

    18. serve oneself to, or consume regularly;

    • Have another bowl of chicken soup!
    • I don't take sugar in my coffee

    19. accept or undergo, often unwillingly;

    • We took a pay cut

    20. make use of or accept for some purpose;

    • take a risk
    • take an opportunity

    21. take by force;

    • Hitler took the Baltic Republics
    • The army took the fort on the hill

    22. occupy or take on;

    • He assumes the lotus position
    • She took her seat on the stage
    • We took our seats in the orchestra
    • She took up her position behind the tree
    • strike a pose

    23. admit into a group or community;

    • accept students for graduate study
    • We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member

    24. ascertain or determine by measuring, computing or take a reading from a dial;

    • take a pulse
    • A reading was taken of the earth's tremors

    25. be a student of a certain subject;

    • She is reading for the bar exam

    26. take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs;

    • the accident claimed three lives
    • The hard work took its toll on her

    27. head into a specified direction;

    • The escaped convict took to the hills
    • We made for the mountains

    28. aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment;

    • Please don't aim at your little brother!
    • He trained his gun on the burglar
    • Don't train your camera on the women
    • Take a swipe at one's opponent

    29. be seized or affected in a specified way;

    • take sick
    • be taken drunk

    30. have with oneself; have on one's person;

    • She always takes an umbrella
    • I always carry money
    • She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains

    31. engage for service under a term of contract;

    • We took an apartment on a quiet street
    • Let's rent a car
    • Shall we take a guide in Rome?

    32. receive or obtain by regular payment;

    • We take the Times every day

    33. buy, select;

    • I'll take a pound of that sausage

    34. to get into a position of having, e.g., safety, comfort;

    • take shelter from the storm

    35. have sex with; archaic use;

    • He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable

    36. lay claim to; as of an idea;

    • She took credit for the whole idea

    37. be designed to hold or take;

    • This surface will not take the dye

    38. be capable of holding or containing;

    • This box won't take all the items
    • The flask holds one gallon

    39. develop a habit;

    • He took to visiting bars

    40. proceed along in a vehicle;

    • We drive the turnpike to work

    41. obtain by winning;

    • Winner takes all
    • He took first prize

    42. be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness;

    • He got AIDS
    • She came down with pneumonia
    • She took a chill


    accept, receive, admit, take


    • accept :強調主動地或自願地接受,或者說,經過考慮後同意接受。
    • receive :著重僅僅接到或收到這一支輪船或事實,而不含採取主動或積極行動的意思。
    • admit :作"接受"講時,強調準許或批准。
    • take :與receive同意,是receive的日常用法,側重不帶主觀意願地收下或接受。

    bring, carry, take, fetch, get, convey, transport


    • bring : 指從某處把人或物帶到或拿到說話者所在的地點,強調方向,不著重方式。
    • carry : 指把物品從一個地方帶到另一個地方,不涉及方向,只強調方式。
    • take : 指從說話人或說話人心目中所在處把某人或某物帶離開,帶到離說話者有一定距離的地方,與bring的方向正相反,側重方向,不著重方式。
    • fetch : 指一往一返,相當於go and bring,去取了東西或帶人再返回到出發處。
    • get : 口語用詞,與fetch基本同義,語氣隨便。
    • convey : 指透過中間人傳遞資訊,或以某種方式把人或物送到目的地。
    • transport : 指使用車輛或機械裝置把人或貨物從一處運載到另一處。

    cost, expend, spend, take


    • cost : 指花費時間、金錢、勞力等。其主語是物,而不能由人充當,也不用被動形式。
    • expend : 較正式用詞,通常指為某一專門目的而花費大量金錢、時間或精力。
    • spend : 普通用詞,與cost基本同義,但主語必須是人。
    • take : 普通用詞,指需要佔用空間、時間或精力等,其主語可以是人,也可以是一件事情。

    take, grasp, grab, grip, clasp, clutch, snatch, seize


    • take : 最普通用詞,不帶感情色彩。指用手抓、取某東西或控制某物。
    • grasp : 指緊緊抓住、抓牢。
    • grab : 指粗暴而急迫的抓住。
    • grip : 語氣比grasp強,指用手的最大力量緊緊抓住。
    • clasp : 指用手緊握或用臂緊抱。
    • clutch : 強調匆忙、緊急地抓、抓緊。
    • snatch : 指突然搶走,側重動作更快或更具暴力性質。
    • seize : 指突然抓住某物,強調突然的猛烈動作。


    1. be on the take


    2. be taken ill


    3. have what it takes


    4. take a chair


    5. take advantage of (或 take advice etc.)

    6. take something as read


    7. take the biscuit (或 cake)


    8. take five


    9. take a lot of (或some)


    10. take someone in hand


    11. take something in hand


    12. take ill (美


    13. take something ill


    14. take it from me



    Take the letter to him [ her ; them ].

    把信給 人家 送去.

    Take this book to her, please.


    Take one tablet every four hours.


    I hinted at his imprudence, his folly, but he did not take my hint.

    我暗示他的輕率, 他的愚蠢, 但他沒有覺察我的暗示.

    Cranes take from four to seven years to mature before they pair up.






    vt. 拿;帶去


